Learning Tools
An easy way to remember the names of all 12 Cranial Nerves in order?
In order to achieve this, it is often help to use a mnemonic, for example:
-O oh -O lfactory
-O oh -O ptic
-O oh -O culomotor
-T o -T rochlear
-T ouch -T rigeminal
-A nd -A bducens
-F eel -F acial
-V ery -V estibulocochlear
-G reen -G lossopharyngeal
-V egetables -V agus
-A -A ccessory
-H -H ypoglossal
An easy way to remember the types of fibres that each Cranial Nerve contains?
Using a mnemonic can also be helpful in this instance, for example:
-S ome -S ensory
-S ay -S ensory
-M oney -M otor
-M atters -M otor
-B ut -B oth
-M y -M otor
-B rother -B oth
-S ays -S ensory
-B ig -B oth
-B rains -B oth
-M atter -M otor
-M ore -M otor
An easy way to remember the functions of each of the Cranial Nerves?
It may be useful to use this song adapted from the 12 days of Christmas.
Each day relates to the relevant cranial nerve and gives a very brief and rough description of the action that nerve is responsible for.
On the twelfth nerve of the cranium, my true love gave to me:
-Twelve tongues a-licking
-Eleven heads a-tilting,
-Ten heart beats a minute,
-Nine quick swallows,
-Eight sounds, and balance,
-Seven funny faces,
-Six sideways glances,
-Four superior oblique muscles,
-Three cross-eyed glances,
-Two eyes a-looking,
-And my sense olfactory
Below is a song devised to help you remember the 12 Cranial Nerves and their function: